In Cuauhtemoc city an unexpected sight shocked it‘s residents, when hundreds of birds suddenly hit the ground. Many of the birds were dead and some others managed to fly away. This type of bird is a yellow headed blackbird. Although these birds coming to Mexico are not an unusual occurrence. Residents typically see them at this time of year since this is their migratory pattern coming from Canada to Mexico. However, seeing the birds dropping to the ground certainly is not part of this annual routine.
There has been many different speculations about how this occurred. Some people thought that they could have inhaled a toxic gas. Others thought that the birds could have been electrocuted from a power line. Witnesses to the fall, thought this might of happened, because some of the birds pushed them to the ground.( bird gridlock). One conspiracy theory floated on social media is that the birds flew into an alien hovercraft.
Days later scientists gave a sensible explanation, although not confirmed. Murmurationis when a flock of birds fly very closely together. If a predator like a hawk or peregrine went after the group, the birds could have collided and got pushed down to the ground. There have been past incidents that have been reported. For those who were unfortunate and saw this incident, WT