WTH News Stories

Rare Bird Sighting

As the weather has changed from the cold of winter to the milder weather of spring, Michael Sanchez, a hobbyist photographer was given a gift. …

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Orangutan Doctoring

Deep in the Gunung Leuser National Park on the island of Sumatra, a new observation was made. Rakus, a 35 year old orangutan, had a …

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Hurricane Ian, Stupidity vs Heroism

As we have all seen the catastrophic images from Hurricane Ian. We know that many people’s lives have been affected or changed forever. During the …

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An Earth Shaking Experience

Quoting Franklin D. Roosevelt, September 19th for Western Mexico “ will go down in infamy.” On the same date in 1985, 2017, and now in …

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Teenage Diagnosis We’re Flying High


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Bloodhound Finds Three Missing Boys

Three boys from Magnolia, New Jersey did some exploring on their bikes and then realized that they were lost. Two of the boys are brothers …

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