Is Quiet Firing a Thing Too?
by Bonnie Dilber The “Quiet Quitting” thing is funny to me. I think the real conversation should be around “Quiet Firing” as …
Airbnb May Not Shelter You From Problems
Traveling just like everything else has changed considerably during this pandemic. Not only has airlines changed for the worse, and hotels have become expensive. Hotels …
Restaurants; A Service Business?
Restaurants, an ever evolving business after the pandemic, are not going well. After traveling this year I can say that the struggles restaurants have gone …
Supply Chain
Prior to the pandemic, very few of us have ever thought about the supply chain. There was always plenty of products to buy and plenty …
What is Happening with Drivers?
As a New York resident I have taken notice while driving, how aggressive and just outright stupid drivers have become. What are the reasons for …
What Ever Happened to Sportmanship and Teamwork?
Parents, schools and recreational programs have always encouraged our youth to play sports. The benefits are: exercise, learning to follow rules and of course sportsmanship. …