Has Visiting The Falklands Ever Been on Your Bucket List?

Welcome to the Falkland Islands

Has Visiting The Falklands Ever Been on Your Bucket List

Admittedly, The Falkland Islands were never on my travel bucket list. The one thing that most Americans know about the Falklands is that the English had a war there in 1982. I took a Norwegian Cruise to Antarctica. The stop after Antarctica was the Falkland Islands. This small island impressed me. I want to share with my readers what the Falkland Islands are about

Falkland Islands History 

The first landing on these islands occurred in 1690 by the English. In 1764, the French settled in, and then gave the island to Spain. In 1833, Britain seized the Falklands from Argentina. Apparently, Argentina held a grudge against England for 150 years. This caused the 1982 war. On April 2,1982, the Argentine junta came to reclaim the island. It took seven weeks for the English forces to arrive at the Falklands. On June 14, 1982, they forced Argentina to surrender. The impact of the battle took forty years to clean up. There were many landmines left behind, so land and beaches were closed off. The land mines were cleared out by 2020

What to See and Do in the Falklands

Travelers that love islands can consider the Falklands atypical. On the day that I was there, on January 28, 2023, a Falkland resident told me that this summer day of 55 degrees was a mild day. The island is wind swept. Its total population is 3,000. The capital is Stanley, where most people come to visit. Other parts of the island are Port Howard, North Arm and Goose Green. To get to these parts, you either take a ferry or a plane with limited scheduling. Outside of Stanley are referred to as camps, which come from the Spanish word for rural campo

The Christ Church Cathedral

The Christ Church Cathedral 

The Christ Church Cathedral has a Whalebone Arch that is worth visiting. The Christ Church replaced the Holy Trinity Church that was burned down in a peat fire in 1886. The Christ Church was opened on February 21, 1892.

The Historic Dockyard Museum 

This museum is a wonderful way to school yourself about the Falkland Islands. The museum has galleries that focus on social, maritime and natural history. There are also exhibits on the 1982 war and the island’s.Antarctica heritage

Falkland Island Beaches
Spectacular Sunset

Nature Found in the Falklands 

On my travels, I have been to places throughout the world with incredible beaches. The beaches in Stanley are magnificent and pristine. Two reasons for this is that they were closed for forty years while land mines were being removed. Secondly, the summer temperatures are at the most sixty degrees. Hard to lie out for a tan when it is sixty degrees and windy. However, the beaches are ideal for the wildlife to flourish

Birds and marine life are what most tourists come to see. There are seals, albatross, petrels, flightless steamer duck, other ducks, geese, hawks, falcons and the striated caracara (Johnny Rock) only found in the Falklands. The marine life to be seen is porpoises, dolphins, and whales. Of course, the major draw are the penguins

Elephant Seals
Emperor Penguins


The Falklands has five different species of penguins. There are more penguins than inhabitants in the Falklands. The penguin species are king penguin, Gentoo, rockhopper, Magellanic and macaroni. The best place to find both Gentoo and Magellanic penguins is the Carcass Island. Pebble Island is home to a variety of penguins, rockhoppers, Gentoo and Magellanic. Penguin Hill on Bleaker Island has a year round population of Gentoo. Whale Point is the spot you can find larger mammals such as Elephant Seals

Map of the Falkland Islands


Because of the need for transport, variety is limited. The food is English fare. Fish and chips, roast beef and mutton. Vegetables which are not grown here are expensive. There are a few good restaurants in Stanley. The price of beer is reasonable

Where to Stay

Stanley has bed and breakfasts one can lodge at. If you want something that can give you a real taste of Falkland life, you can go to the outer areas (camp) and stay at a farm or a place geared toward tourism. This is a good way to get a home cooked meal


The Campo


The residents of Stanley are British transplants. English is the primary language, and the accents vary from British to slightly Australian. The Falkland citizens voted 99% in 2013 to stay under England’s sovereignty. Although we perceive the English as conservative, the Falklands are gay- friendly. They even hold a gay pride parade. If everything you read makes you curious about living there, then know you need a work visa and a potential job. Between the weather and the transport, which makes it difficult to get anywhere, you need to be hearty, resilient, and patient

The British Flag, Shows the Falkland Islands Residents Allegience

The Falklands is a place to. travel if you enjoy going off the beaten path. Just know I got there on a cruise. Flying there is a long flight and also expensive. If you are a nature lover, this should be on the bucket list. I was enamored enough to write this article, and I hope you were inspired to visit the Falkland Islands


3 thoughts on “Has Visiting The Falklands Ever Been on Your Bucket List?”

    1. I believe that they want to have a footprint in South America. The residents 99% voted to stay under
      British rule. Although the Falklands govern themselves. England provides
      the military. The government makes money on selling fishing permits. Many Asian concerns fish for squid.

    2. I believe that they want to have a footprint in South America. The residents 99% voted to stay under
      British rule. Although the Falklands govern themselves. England provides
      the military. The government makes money on selling fishing permits. Many Asian concerns fish for squid.

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